Cheryl has spent more than twenty years in both major international law firms and as general counsel for retail fashion and consumer brands. She advises both startups and established companies as their outside general counsel, and has extensive international, intellectual property, and consumer-facing experience. Her advice ranges from strategic legal and business planning, commercial and supply chain operations, compliance and code of ethics, intellectual property and licensing, data protection and privacy compliance, international business development, digital and social media, tax planning and trade compliance, employment and human resources, to mergers and acquisitions.
An experienced entrepreneur herself, she is focused on finding business-oriented solutions for clients that help them continue growing their businesses, regardless of where they are in their development.
Member, Washington State Bar Association
Member, California State Bar Association
Member, District of Columbia Bar Association
Member, New York State Bar Association
Member, Texas State Bar Association (inactive)
J.D., University of Pennsylvania Law School
B.A., Brandeis University
Civic Involvement
Wellspring Family Services – developed Wellspring’s volunteer knitter and crocheter program which has grown to more than 170 crafters and has been featured in The Stranger.